Friday, September 14, 2012

Still Waiting...

In response to so many of you asking about Lee's condition, I want to offer a quick update.

His episodes of pain have mercifully all but ended.  He continued to have severe pain wake him through last weekend, and he continued to complain of his mouth/face/head hurting at the beginning of this week, but nothing seems to be hurting as of yesterday.

There is a new symptom that developed yesterday that has us concerned.  He was watching a movie after school when the room, according to his line of vision, turned upside down.  It righted itself within seconds, but later during homework it happened again.

No headache.  No ringing in the ears.  No speech or language hiccups.  He was otherwise fine.

I have been in regular contact with his teacher.  What a comfort she is to us.  She is watching out for him, and she is making herself available to help in any way she can.  Today after school, we are going to meet so that we can discuss anything that might concern her about Lee, so that I can take her observations to the Neurosurgeon.

Which brings me to the Neurosurgeon.  No appointment has been made yet.  Daily, for over a week, I have been on the phone between the Neurologist's office, and the Neurosurgeon's office, trying to get everything from one office to the other so that the Neurosurgeon's office can schedule an appointment for Lee to be seen.

As of just yesterday afternoon, we FINALLY got most everything where it needed to be.  At least enough was at the Neurosurgeon's office so that he can review the films from Lee's 2 previous MRI and CT Scans, so that he can determine whether Lee's need to see him is critical, or can wait...

I brought up again the severe head pain, wanting that to be factored in in the decision process.  I was reassured that it would be taken into consideration.

Until then, I pace the floor, battle the impatience in my spirit, and fight as much as I feel I need to fight for my little boy.  In short, this whole thing kind of sucks.  And I've been kind of emotional lately.

I am headed to his school to volunteer.  Partly because I'm a regular volunteer there, and it's what I do, but partly because I like to stay close sometimes, just in case.  

Think I'll add "Depression/Anxiety," to my list of labels for this article.

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