Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween Happenings

It's been a while since I've been on to write a blog post.  Life has been busy, to say the least.

Do you realize that just two more months from today is Christmas?  We're at that time of year where crazy-busy gets a big dose of steroids.

This week is a busy one at my kids' schools.  I'm Lee's Room Mother, and we're having our Halloween Party Friday.  We are very fortunate to have Lee in a school that has a lot of parental support.  I sent a letter out to all of the parents in the class yesterday, and before the letter was even out, I was getting volunteers for the party and for donations of craft supplies and snacks.  It makes the whole experience so positive when everyone pitches in.

In addition to the class party, his school is having a carnival.  As a card carrying member of the PTA, I'm volunteering there as well, painting kids' hair with vibrant colors at the Hair Painting booth.  Nothing says Halloween like green and orange stripes on a sweaty 5th grader's head.

Abi's school is having a Halloween dance, and both Hugo and I are volunteering there as chaperons.

At the beginning of the year, I chaperoned at the Back to School Dance.  It was disconcerting to realize that I knew almost every song the DJ played.  That would be a little bit too much of having to listen to KIIS-FM for my liking.  What ever happened to my car, my radio?  My favorites?  Like NPR, KUSC (classical), and GO Country?  I'm clearly eclectic enough, offering a wide range of variety.  But, instead it's usually KROQ (Adam, Lee, and Tessa), My fm (Danielle), and KIIS FM (Abi).

At least I can sing with Muse, Bruno Mars, Linkin Park, Adele, and LMFAO.  The words are wrong, half the time, but it's no different from any of my own favorites.  I'm a serial lyrics displacer.

Abi isn't all that thrilled with Hugo's and my enthusiasm over chaperoning, but it's either accept our being there with grace, or gracefully accept Hugo's arrival in his Batman suit.  Which he has threatened to wear, if her attitude doesn't improve.  Yes, we can simply tell her she doesn't have to go if she doesn't like our being there, but where's the fun in that?  In fact, Hugo even upped the ante.  He said he can always show up dressed as Cinderella.  Interesting how fast the complaining stopped.

So, it's Halloween for the next few days, and then we'll be right into Thanksgiving.  Lee's teacher asked me today what I planned on doing for that class party.  I was a bit aghast.  Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving.  Let's get through Halloween, and then we'll talk about it.

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