Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Brief Danielle Update

Our Italian Bella has become a Roman goddess for the weekend, enjoying the sights of Rome.  
This is a picture of our Danielle with her travel companions at the Colosseum.  Fight On!  OK, not that Coliseum.

She is sharing a hotel room with one roommate, which is a welcome change from the apartment she shares in Florence with 6 other girls.  In Rome, her room is air conditioned.  In Florence, it is not.

She is having a great time, soaking in the sights, and smells, and tastes of Italy.  But, she is especially enjoying a very unique to Danielle phenomenon.  That thing when a girl travels 9 hours into tomorrow, to discover a new land, but instead finds herself.

She is finding herself centered, and calm, and content, and her mindset seems to really stand out in comparison to many of the students who seem to be flailing about in any kind of drama they can get their little souls wrapped around.  Our Danielle, on the other hand, has observed it with a curious eye, seeing how the pursuit of drama sucks the life out of life.

There have been times when she's suffered homesickness, and fear, and intimidation, but she's risen above them with adventure, courage, and strength, using tools such as an occasional venting session with her mom for a few seconds, but mostly through prayer, and an intentional focus of right thinking.

In short, our Danielle is living out her Psychology major, and she's recognizing no small amount of personal and practical application, topped nicely with tremendous satisfaction.

And those of us back home, wherever that may be, can live vicariously through her adventure and social education.

She still hasn't had any lasagna.  I'm shocked, but I suppose I'm taking that vicarious thing a little too far.  That would be me.  Off the plane, and into a big, cheesy plate.  She was off the plane, and into a dish of gelato.

We thank you all for your continued prayer.  She's having a fabulous time.

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