Monday, May 14, 2012

Being Real with my Dress Code

I do some of my best thinking in the bathroom.  While taking a shower.  And, I find that my thoughts flow freely when I'm in the bathroom doing other things, too.  Like taking a bath.

So, why is it that I have allowed myself to get into the slothful habit of not bathing until noon?  Like, it isn't normal, unless I'm getting ready for the day while listening to The Chew on ABC.  In California, it comes on a noon.

When I had my minivan, I was in and out of the house so many times during the day, that I had to be up and going bright and early--I won't leave the house, or even go outside in my front yard, for that matter, in my jammies.  But, since we transitioned to being a one-car family Tessa's car doesn't count, I've found my drive, so to speak,  to get a move on has shifted a little.  I am busy at home, but I'm writing, or doing laundry, or cooking, or cleaning while in my pajamas.  And yes, I am just obnoxious enough to have the gall to get mad at someone, when they come to my door at 11:00, and I'm not presentable.  Something has got to change.

I was taking my bath this afternoon, giving myself a mental talking-to similar to the types of talks I've had to give my girls.  We struggle with depression, and walking around in sloppy clothes, or pajamas all morning is as dangerous to the depressed, as strolling around the entrance of a bar would be to an alcoholic.  You've got to get up, make your bed, get showered, and get ready for the day, with your sleep hours behind you, by 9:00am.  That's what I tell my kids, at least.

What kind of an example am I?  I've really slacked off, and I can say with complete confidence, that my struggle with depression this calendar year has been made more challenging by my habits.  Or maybe my habits have been indicative of the challenge of my depression.  Either way, I need to get myself in that bathroom early, for some deep thinking.

Because when I'm in the shower, my mind just kind of opens up.  It's like the steam opens my brain as it opens my pores.  I get visions, make plans, step up the pace of my day, and get into gear.  Every time.  And it does me very little good to be getting all inspired for my day at 1:30, when I'm rushing to get ready so I can pick up Lee from school.  I go from the shower, to my vanity, to his school.  Fresh, to be sure, but all the thoughts, ideas, and plans I just had in the shower an hour before, kind of dry up by the time I'm racing out to get him.  And then once I get Lee home, Abi arrives home, then it's after-school snacks, then homework, then dinner preparation, then dinner, then Mommy's glass of Merlot, then bedtime.

So.  We only have 3 more weeks of the school year.  I have got to kick it in gear before summer vacation begins.  I have a big writing project I'm giving attention to, plus my Life in LA writing.  I'm spending time with ladies in my community, and I have new PTA duties starting up, as I've joined the PTA Board at Lee's school.  I have much racing around in my head at shower time, and I need to do a better job at planning and sorting.  So, I'm putting myself out there for accountability:  I NEED TO SHOWER EITHER BEFORE HUGO LEAVES FOR WORK, OR RIGHT AFTER HE LEAVES.  For sure, I need to be up, showered, dressed, and planned by 8:30.  Because my recent MO of getting stuff done on the fly with my bathrobe flapping around isn't good enough.

Starting tomorrow.

I need you picturing me in street clothes when you read my Blog, rather than picturing me looking like I just got home from Wal-Mart.

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