Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Holding On ~ Letting Go," at the Fremont Centre Theatre in South Pasadena

Saturday night Hugo and I saw the play, "Holding On ~ Letting Go," at the Fremont Centre Theatre in South Pasadena.  I was on journalistic assignment, representing Life in L.A., a Los Angeles based site, which highlights the many goings on in the Greater L.A. area.  My assignment was to preview the play Holding On ~ Letting Go, and then write a review.  Click the link to read my Life in L.A. review.
The Fremont Centre Theatre is run by James and Lissa Reynolds.  James Reynolds is also an actor, and if you're a Days of our Lives fan, you'll know him from his 30 year-long performance as Abe Carver.  He is warm, and kind, and he and his wife Lissa run a theatre that is genuinely dedicated to the integrity of theatrical excellence.

The play is near and dear to my heart, as it majestically showcased the oft-avoided aspects of loss, that usually get an honorable mention in stories of life-threatening situations, but seldom get showcased at this level.  It was a difficult, but cathartic road to travel, for any of us who have experienced loss.  It was a high-quality performance.  I give it 4 thumbs-up...mine, and Hugo's. :)

And check out if you're looking for something to do in Southern California.

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