Monday, April 23, 2012

Assigning House Chores to the Kids

Everybody has a job in our house, which is a good thing, since a family of 7 can quickly fill up every square inch of a four-bedroom house, and, well, we have.  And we have a 100 pound Labrador who sheds incessantly.  Which means we vacuum, sweep, and Swiffer the house daily, otherwise, we'd be knee-deep in dog hair.

Each child has been assigned a room to vacuum, I sweep and Swiffer the kitchen, dining room, and master bathroom, and Tessa sweeps and Swiffers the entry way, hall, and front bathroom.

Everyone is to make their bed daily, tidy up their room, pick up after themselves, and the kids help clean the kitchen every night after dinner.

They each have a weekly chore, too.  One mows (since we laid off the gardener), one dusts, one cleans the front bathroom, and one vacuums the furniture.  Hugo and I pick up the other things, and we regularly assign random, and unique tasks as needed.

Tessa and Danielle are in college, and they are both on the Dean's List.  Adam is in his last year of high school, and in an independent study program he has been making up a failed freshman year, while keeping up with his graduating class, so that he can graduate on schedule next month.

Abi is on the Honor Roll, earning only one B in middle school, the rest being As.

Even Lee, at 7 years old, has to pick up his toys, take out the trash, and pick up after the dog in the back yard.  And he has nightly homework, and reading assignments.

Danielle works part-time.  Adam and Abi are very involved in the youth program at church, meeting in small groups once a week, and as a larger group another day.  They volunteer, from time to time, in community events.

My kids are very, very busy.  But, yet they are learning fundamental truths in our home--that we all have responsibilities outside ourselves, and that we have to work together as a family, for a common goal of living in a clean, and orderly house.

I'm reminded often of the military.  Even in times of war, our military are commanded to keep their person neat, and clean.  To keep their space neat, and clean.  To work together as a team to maintain order, and discipline.

One of the first symptoms of Personal or Family Crisis is a complete inability to maintain basic standards such as these.  It's a common sign of depression, and in indicator of a spirit that has given up.

If left to myself, I think I would wade in piles of papers needing to be filed, piles of laundry needing to be done, and sinks of dishes needing to be washed.  Especially, when I'm struggling with depression.  I'd eventually kick myself in the pants and get 'er done, but not without entire conversations of self loathing going on in my head for not keeping myself more together.

There have been times when I had to keep things basic, and simple.  Just get out of bed, take a shower, and clean up after myself in the kitchen.  Little more got done.

But, as I climbed out of the depths of depression, I have been able to keep myself more disciplined as a whole, so that when I have days when I'm struggling, my routine is in place, and I can maintain my standards.

My mother did a fabulous job teaching me how to clean, and she instilled in me that sense of pride in keeping a clean house.

Yesterday, we had a rare and unexpected evening of everyone being at home.  We enjoyed another rarity--not eating at the dinner table where we usually eat, but instead eating our dinner, and then dessert, in the Family Room while we watched a movie.  The house was in order, and it felt like a fun and relaxing thing to do.  I was fine with bending the rules, going a little rogue, and leaving the kitchen to be cleaned in the morning.

But oh, how my heart swelled, when all of my kids got up after the movie, and together got the kitchen cleaned.  And with the kitchen clean, I was able to make French Toast for breakfast this morning.

We still have quite a way to go.  I'm going to take advantage of Summer Vacation to teach the kids how to better sort laundry loads, more efficiently clean the kitchen, better organize important files, keep their dresser drawers in order, and anything else that presents itself while they're home.

I'm so proud of my kids, and I wanted to give them a public shout out.  You guys ROCK!!!  :)

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