Thursday, December 15, 2011

At Last! A Diagnosis! I Think.

Monday morning, Abi came into my bedroom after she took her shower.  "Mom," she said, "what's this all over my hands?"  She held out her hands, and in the same bedroom lighting where I took my first glimpse at Adam's rash a few weeks ago, I knew what it was.  It was "THE" rash.

The same rash Lee had in mid-October.  The same rash Tessa had a few weeks after Lee.  It was the same rash Adam wore.  And now it resided on Abi's hands.  And as I conducted an examination, I found it on both arms, both legs, and on her face.

We weren't able to get her in to see the doctor until yesterday.  Now, when I took Lee in 2 months ago, I had diagnosed his rash as Fifth Disease, before we even stepped into the examining room.  The doctor overruled my diagnosis...stupid doctorate degree.  She completely blew away all I thought I knew about communicable diseases.  She said his rash could be either chicken pox, or measles.  That once we are immunized, if we do still get either of those illnesses, our rashes kind of mutate and look unlike themselves in their usual form.  OK.  I had never heard that before.  I bought it, but I bought it with a tinge of really? in the back of my mind.

But as children in our family have been catching Lee's illness with the same rash, I was able to toss out the chicken pox/measles possibility.  Like, what are the odds that 4 kids are going to contract a disease they've either had or have been immunized against?

So, I take Abi in.  They put us in Room #3 straight away, rather than have her rashy essence grace their waiting room.  Bad business move in my opinion.  A rash in a crowded waiting room is a guaranteed revisit in a few weeks.  Job security.

Dr. Rose (not her name) said that Abi has parainfluenza.  Or Fifth Disease.  That if she had her flu shot, we wouldn't be there.  That it's parainfluenza.  She needs her flu shot.  That how contagious she is, really depends on the immune system of the people she is in contact with.  That it's parainfluenza.  Or Fifth Disease.  And did she get her flu shot?  She needs a flu shot.  But it's parainfluenza.  Or Fifth Disease.  Or Parvo.

I did not exaggerate that last paragraph.  So, since I process my thoughts by writing, let's walk me through the processing process here, can we?  Because I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a little bit jumbled.  (And my mouth is still open over her answer to my question about how contagious she is.)

OK.  Let's break it down.  "It's parainfluenza."  As I came home to take a little looksie at parainfluenza, I just didn't seem to find anything from the CDC that in any way resembled what my kids have had these two months in the description.  But, I am lacking that doctorate degree, so who am I to argue, right?

But hold on.  "We wouldn't be there if she'd had her flu shot."  Parainfluenza can't be held at bay by the flu shot.  The CDC said.

So, "It's parainfluenza.  Or Fifth Disease."  Fifth Disease.  Properly named, Parvovirus: B19.  OK, now that makes me feel better, because when she said that Abi had parainfluenza, or fifth disease, or parvo, I was a little alarmed.  PARVO?!

Hugo's response to the parvo possibility when I called to tell him was, "Well, that does explain the whining."  And I added, "And the peeing on the carpet."  Abi's 13 year-old sense of humor just didn't quite dig our jokes (Oooo!  "Dig!"  That's a great, unintended pun!).

And, by the way, the flu shot wouldn't have kept us from getting Fifth Disease, or parvo, either.

So, without my medical schooling, I'm going to go out on a limb here, and go with my original gut instinct.  That we have had Fifth Disease.  (You were right, Jane!!)

So, for Abi it's been a week off from school.  An extra week of Christmas Vacation.  Bliss.  Joy.  A Christmas Miracle.  Except for the itching, and discomfort.  And Benadryl buzzes.  And sleepover she's been invited to Friday night.  And Baking Day Saturday.  And our Family Christmas with extended family Sunday.

The CDC did say that Fifth Disease isn't contagious once the rash develops.  But people are understandably freaky over rashes.  And vague diagnoses.

Danielle hasn't had it yet.  I don't think.  She did have the sniffles a couple of weeks ago, but that was all she had.  Maybe her immune system is stronger than the rest of ours.  Even though everyone else had more symptoms, the CDC did say that it could present as merely cold-like symptoms.  Or, was that the CDC page for parainfluenza?

OK, Dr. Rose.  I'll extend you a little grace.  It is hard to know.  But, just to be safe, I'm taking this precaution for sure.  No playing with sick dogs.

Just kidding.

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