Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Activism at its Best

Activism.  There is a part of me, the Hippie-Dharma part of me, who could easily become a passionate activist on many a debatable topic.  Heck, I've been an activist in years past.  I protested Martin Scorsese's interpretation of Jesus Christ's sexuality, along with thousands of others, at the Universal Studios lot, chanting, "Boycott MCA!"  I can still see Rosie Greer leading the parade, alongside James Dobson.

As a young adult surrounded by family, friends, and co-workers on the Conservative Right, I was shaped by their points of view, adopting them as my own.  I listened to Rush Limbaugh.  I even read his books. I found Liberals to be weak minded, self serving, buffoons void of original thought.  I knew that the Right was called The Right for a reason.  We were right.  End of story.  I lived this philosophy for, shoot, a good 20 years.

Then, I came to a new adventure in my life, where I found myself in a new environment, with a new marital status, with all new people.  And none of them were of the same political persuasion as my former homies.  And since I happened to be at a time in my life where I found myself questioning everything I thought I knew previously, I found my argumentative voice weak, and my searching ears open.  I listened, rather than talked, and I discovered some very fascinating facts about the American people.

I discovered that the Liberal Left found the Conservative Right to be weak minded, self serving, buffoons void of original thought.  Interesting.  Hadn't I heard that philosophy before, but from a differing perspective?  Only a few facts and players differed.  The convictions were equally passionate and heart felt.  Equally persuasive.  A Conservative can bring up a negative point about a Liberal, and be completely correct.  Likewise, a Liberal can bring up a negative point about a Conservative, and be completely correct.

What the heck?  It rocked my world.  And it made my world fresher.

The beauty of this is that there are passionate points of view and ideals to make our country even greater on both sides of the political fence.  Is this not the very fabric with which our country was woven?  But then in order for there to be beauty, there inevitably has to be ugliness, and that part seems obvious and quite evident in the ills of our political powerlessness.  There is corruption on both sides, and political gain to be had, and a need to be the right, er, correct one, no matter which side gets your vote.

I enjoy it that I see this.  I enjoy it that my Facebook Friends post painfully offensive comments, stirred by anger, and even hatred, toward those who might not agree.  And it comes from both sides.  I have Conservatives I have blocked, as well as Liberals.  Just because their hatred and negativity is what happens to offend me.  Not their political views.  But what I love is that I can have friends that are on both sides.  I love it that I no longer immerse myself in a single-sided political world.  That I can listen to both sides objectively.  When they're willing to play nice, and speak without so much dark energy.  I find that I just don't have the emotional space for such things.

But yet, the Activist still resides within me, but I choose to channel her on less divisive topics.  Things such as this:

Why do we accept the Hot Dog as an acceptable American food source?  Have you never read the ingredient label?  They're disgusting, and an American favorite.  Why, people?

And don't even get me started on our American brothers and sisters hanging loose in paradise, with all their Spam.  Really?  We have to wonder about these things.

Chorizo?!  Pork Rinds?!

Why do sock sizes have to be different from shoe sizes?  Why?  If I wear a 6 1/2 shoe, I should wear a 6 1/2 sock.  It would be so easy.  But no.  Instead, I have to check the chart on the back of the package, and find that I need to buy a...well, I don't even know what size I need to buy.  Because it's different from my shoe size, and I don't have the patience to have to remember two different sizes for my foot.

Why do we still have the Laugh Track on TV comedy?  Why?!

Daylight Savings Time.  Is it still relevant?  Is it necessary?

There are many others, I am sure, but my need to get on with my day has overruled my need to sit and ponder.  Besides, I'm getting all stirred up and angry, and I don't want to promote the very things I abhor.

If we debated about hot dogs, or shoe/sock size charts, or even sports team preferences (Fight On), we would get out any pent up angst, but yet still get to go home together and live peacefully at the end of the day.  The world would be a better place.

And then we would still have energy left to come up with things that are really important in life.  Things  like orphaned, at-risk children needing placement in loving homes, or solving the need for the treatment of preventable disease in third-world countries.

And, with any luck, people would finally open their eyes and read the hot dog, or chorizo ingredients label.  Please.  We need to take action here.

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